Attendance Procedures

The education process requires continuous instruction, class participation, and study. Frequent absences from class disrupt this instructional process. Success in school is dependent upon good attendance.  In an effort to help our students with attendance we are implementing a process of communicating with parents about attendance issues at Orchard Springs Elementary. We are asking for your support in securing the regular attendance of your student.

Attendance Process Steps

  • First, if your student will be absent, please email the office before school begins to let us know.

    • Email Mrs. Wurm

    • The office will record the information in PowerSchool.  However, teachers may still contact you to check on students.

  • Next, if your student has had three consecutive absences, you can expect a call from their teacher to make sure that everything is ok.

  • When your student reaches five absences and/or tardy arrivals to school, you can expect their teacher to make contact.

  • When your student reaches ten absences and/or tardy arrivals to school, an attendance letter will be sent.

  • After twelve absences, you will receive a call from the principal or counselor to arrange a meeting.

  • Home visits will be made by the principal and counselor for those students who are chronically absent.

  • The last step in this process will be a referral for the student and parents to attend a truancy mediation meeting offered by the Juvenile Court.


We understand that there are valid reasons for your student to miss school and recommend that when your student is sick, keep them home and contact the school.

Thank You

Thank you for your support in this endeavor.