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Community Council Minutes

March 18, 2024

Community Council Meeting Minutes

March 18, 2024

Approval Pending


  • Members Present

    • Parents - Alicia Willoughby, Marinda Fowler, Michelle Hales, Kathryn Buxton, Julie Trickett
    • School Members - Karen Miller, Dawn Jennings, Shawna Blamires
  • Members Absent

    • Parents - 
    • School Members - 
  • Guests

    • Parents- 
    • School- Brent Ludlow
    • District -
  • Meeting held in the council room at OSE from 4:00 to 5:10 PM on Monday, March 18, 2024.

    • Notes were taken by Marinda Fowler. 



  • Welcome Members

  • Approve last month’s minutes (February 26, 2024)

    • Motion to Approve by Alicia Willoughby, seconded by Michelle Hales.
    • Voting Unanimous. 
  • Review and vote on final draft of the 2024-2025 Trust Lands Plan

    • Note: The plan was reviewed by the Weber School DIstrict prior to this meeting.
    • The district came back asking us to add the words “ by leasing Chromebooks” to the action steps portion.
      • Wording is funny with the addition, so we asked Ms. Miller to take out “technology by leasing” so it reads “Teachers in the classroom will utilize Chromebooks to…”
    • The entire plan has been submitted, but Ms. Miller will see about changing that wording. 
  • Approve and Sign Amended Draft

    • Motion to approve amended plan by Alicia Willoughby, seconded by Kathryn Buxton.
    • Voting Unanimous.
    • Council members signed the Council Signature Form.
  • Mrs. Miller shared her experience and observations from being part of the Trust Lands Plans review committee. 

    • Some schools have only one goal.
      • Reasons for this could be needing so much reading help that they don’t have the time to focus on math as well as reading.
      • It can be easier to report for grants when you are only measuring one metric. 
    • Most of the plans look exactly like ours.
    • Having a Math AND Reading goal allows us to fully represent all the grades and help all students, not just the ones who are struggling. 
  • Review 2023-2024 Teacher and Student Success Plan (TSSA)

    • TSSA Budget Covers things like hiring a Behavior Aide and Mental Health Specialist as well as funding Literacy Night--and these things allow us to meet our academic goals. 
    • State has said to keep things simple in our Trust LANDS plan, but the TSSA plan can be more detailed and specific.
    • The TSSA Plan for next year isn’t due until May.
    • We were able to move some software costs over to Trust LANDS because we had extra money there that needed to be used.
    • Ms. Miller asked for feedback on the idea of swapping Literacy Night and STEM Day.
      • We would hold Literacy Night in the fall and add a parent education component so parents can learn about the software and technology while students are occupied doing other activities.
      • If we can get the parents to buy-in during the fall, then students have more support all year long.
    • A lot of our software licenses go through July 31st, so students can use these programs at home during the summer.
      • Perhaps we need a handout so parents know what is available for their students to use throughout the summer.
        • Teachers could add student emails and passwords to the handouts.
        • Outline recommended time (for example: Lexia units take 5 minutes) and grade-level programs.
        • Hand out with the Superintendent Summer Math and Reading Program forms at the end of the school year.
    • ELA Adoption nights are coming up for parents to evaluate new language arts programs. (K-5)
    • Science curriculums are teaching problem-solving, critical thinking, and data analysis skills instead of covering rapid-fire, rote memorization of facts.
      • Our school is getting good science scores because our students are learning those critical thinking skills throughout every subject we teach, especially with ELA and Math.
      • Our generation’s experience with science is different from what our kids are going to encounter.
      • We are trying to help our students have science-based experiences.
    • Trying to balance out the funding streams so that we can spend this year’s money on this year’s kids.
      • Utilize Project Lead the Way curriculum during the STEM rotation.
      • PTO is going to fund the Beverly Sorenson Arts Program.
      • Discussion about the possibility of adding a science fair
        • Staff members explained why that hasn’t happened yet and the steps they are taking to try and make that a possibility in future school years.
        • Suggestion to hold it as part of STEM Day, possibly by having an evening potion where parents can come through and students can teach their parents what they’ve learned. Idea of an Invention Convention was also brought up.
  • Additional Items for Discussion

    • Elections will be held in the fall.
      • Positions will be posted in August.
      • Marinda Fowler, Kathryn Buxton, Alicia Willoughby, and Dawn Jennings have finished their two-year terms.
      • There should be three available positions for parents and one for a staff member. 
  • Meeting Adjourned

    • Motion to adjourn by Marinda Fowler, seconded by Julie Trickett.
    • All approved.
    • Meeting adjourned.
  • Next Meeting

    • September 2024