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Parking, Drop-Off, & Loading Procedures


updated 2024-08-14

Parking, Drop-Off, & Loading Procedures

General Information

  • The speed limit on school property is 15 mph.
  • Be mindful of the safety of all students, as well as other drivers and staff.
    • It is no small feat to have several hundred students safely arrive and depart each day in 15 minutes.  This can happen each day if everyone does their part.
  • Be patient and courteous.
    • Others are also picking up students, others also have places they need to be.
  • Students must ALWAYS be accompanied by an adult when walking through the parking lot.
    • If you are parked in the parking lot, leave your vehicle, walk to the sidewalk to meet your child, then walk with them back to your vehicle.
  • Follow the directions given by crossing guards, faculty, and staff.  They are working to keep all children safe.
  • All pick-up and drop-off should happen on the north side of the school.
    • Do NOT use the staff parking lot, or sidewalk on the west side of the building building for drop-off and pick-up.
  • U-Turns are not permitted on 975 West, please drop-off and pick-up your student at the front of the school.
  • Cars should not enter the bus lane.
  • Stop outside of bus lanes and crosswalks.

Walking Students

  • Crossing Guards are located at 3200 North and 1000 West.
  • Students walking south on 975 West who are turning right on 3200 North have been instructed to cross at the crosswalk just past the school playground (see Crosswalk on 975 W below)
  • Students exiting the grounds using the walking path to 3200 North have been asked to cross 3200 North at the crosswalk at the end of the path.

Crosswalk on 975 W

  • There is a painted crosswalk on 975 W.
  • Stop and wait for all students to be out of the crosswalk before proceeding.

Drop off and Loading Zone (North Side of the Building)

  • The designated drop-off and pick-up zone is on the north side of the building, in front of the entrance.
  • Cars should form an orderly line, wait their turn, and pull forward as far as possible.
    • Leave the entrance and exit of the bus lanes unblocked.
  • In the afternoon, a teacher is assigned as a crossing guard at the crosswalk in front of the school.  Watch for and follow their directions.
    • Parents should model safe behavior by crossing at the crosswalk and waiting for the crossing guard to instruct them to cross.
  • Pull forward.  Students will walk to your vehicle.
    • If you need to visit with a teacher, park in the parking lot and cross at the crosswalk.
  • Parents may choose to park in the parking lot and walk to the crosswalk to meet their student.
    • Students must wait on the sidewalk for their parent or guardian to meet them.  Students should only enter the parking lot when they are with an adult.

Crosswalk at the Bus Lane

  • There is a painted crosswalk at the end of the bus lane, near the stairs.
  • In the afternoon, a teacher is assigned as a crossing guard at this location.  Watch for and follow their directions.
    • They will assist students crossing to the stairs.
    • They will stop traffic to allow the buses to leave.

Your patience and support as we work to ensure the safety of all students is appreciated.

A map of the drop-off, loading, parking, and bus zones at Orchard Springs Elementary.

updated: 2021-08-12