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Teacher and Student Success Plan


Teacher and Student Success Plan

School Information

Name of Administrator: Becky Dills
Name of School: Orchard Springs Elementary

Goal 1 | Reading

Based on Pathways to Progress Schoolwide Data, 65% or more of our K-6 students will show typical, above, or well above progress on end of year Acadience Assessment.

Goal 1 Action Steps

    1. TSSA monies will be spent to secure the services of paraprofessionals who will assess students reading skills using the Acadience Reading Assessment. Children will be identified as intensive, strategic, benchmark or above benchmark in grades K-6. Additional Diagnostic tests will be given to those students to  identify specific  needs. The Kindergarten teacher will administer the KEEP Assessment at the BOY and EOY.  A substitute will be hired while the teacher administers the test. ($4,000)  Paraprofessionals will be hired to provide targeted reading interventions for students below benchmark in grades K-4. ($11,200).  Materials will be purchased to support reading intervention ($1,000).
    2. A Community Literacy Night will be held to promote literacy and child reading time. ($750)
    3. A subscription for IXL, a personalized learning website, will be purchased for grades 3-5. ($1,200) 
    4. Teachers will be involved in professional development through colleague observations, school and district training, online PD, and workshops or conferences. ($500) 
    5. Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative teams to review standards/curriculum, develop common formative assessments, analyze data, modify instruction, and determine placement of students for weekly interventions  and enrichment activities facilitated by a combination of teachers and aides.  This collaborative time will be created when students attend Computer, P.E. and STEM/FAME. ($00)
    6. A teacher will be paid to act as an EdTech Coach to support teachers with the implementation and use of technology. ($750)
    7. A mental health specialist will be hired to provide social and emotional learning support  for students. ($2500) A  license for Panorama, an all in one data platform, will be purchased. ($115)
    8. A behavioral consultant from USU will be hired to help train teachers/staff on student behavior management ($335).
    9. Prior to the beginning of school the CLT will meet to refine the schoolwide vision, mission, goals, and commitments. Time will also be spent modifying the master schedule with a focus on interventions. ($700)

Goal 1 Expenditure Category

    • Additional School Employees
    • Professional Learning
    • School Personnel Stipends
    • Teaching Resources
    • Technology
    • Social and Emotional Learning Support

Goal 1 Measures of Success

    • Acadience assessments will be administered to students at the beginning of the year, mid-year, and at the end of the school year to measure progress.

Goal 2 | Mathematics

Students in K-6 Grades will score 80% or higher, on their identified grade level Essential Learning Target by the end of the school year.

Goal 2 Action Steps

    1. TSSA monies will be spent to secure the services of paraprofessionals to work with students not proficient on math grade level essential learning targets ($11,200). 
    2. The Kindergarten teacher will administer the KEEP Assessment at the BOY and EOY.  ($4,000) 
    3. Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative teams to review standards/curriculum, develop common formative assessments, analyze data, modify instruction, and determine placement of students for weekly interventions  and enrichment activities facilitated by a combination of teachers and aides.  This collaborative time will be created when students attend Computer, P.E. and STEM/FAME. ($00)
    4. Teachers in the classroom will utilize technology to increase student engagement, and promote learning. Licenses for Imagine Math will be purchased to support grades 1-2 Students ($650).  Subscriptions for IXL will be purchased to support 3-5 grade students. ($1200) Subscriptions for ALEKS, an online math program, will be purchased to support 6th grade students. ($810). Subscriptions for Zearn will be purchased to support all students ($2,500).
    5. Teachers in the classroom will utilize math manipulatives to increase student engagement and promote learning. ($500) 
    6. Community Literacy Night will be held to promote math literacy. ($750)
    7. Teachers will be involved in professional development through colleague observations, school and district trainings, online PD, and workshops or conferences. ($500) 
    8. A teacher will be paid to act as an EdTech Coach to support teachers with the implementation and use of technology. ($750)
    9.  A mental health specialist will be hired to provide social and emotional learning support  for students. ($2500)  A  license for Panorama , an all in one data platform, will be purchased. ($115)
    10. A behavioral consultant from USU will be hired to help train teachers/staff on student behavior management ($335.00).
    11. Prior to the beginning of school the CLT will meet to refine the schoolwide vision, mission, goals, and commitments. Time will also be spent modifying the master schedule with a focus on interventions. ($700)
    12. Math manipulatives will be purchased to support students’ understanding of math concepts ($250).
    13. Acadience Math Digital Licenses and testing materials will be purchased for students in grades 4-6 ($800)

Goal 2 Expenditure Areas

    • Additional School Employees
    • Professional Learning
    • School Personnel Stipends
    • Technology
    • Teaching Resources
    • Social and Emotional Learning Support

Goal 2 Measures of Success

    • Math assessments will be administered to students at the beginning of the year, mid-year, and at the end of the school year to measure progress.

Goal 3 | Science

To prepare students to apply STEM-related knowledge to real-world situations.

Goal 3 Action Steps

    1. Teachers in the classroom will utilize PLTW Modules to increase student engagement and promote learning. ($1,950)
    2. Science materials will be purchased to assist teachers with demonstrating and supporting science lessons for students in the classroom. ($00)
    3. Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative teams to review standards/curriculum, develop common formative assessments, analyze data, modify instruction, and determine placement of students for weekly interventions and enrichment activities facilitated by a combination of teachers and aides. This collaborative time will be created when students attend Computer, P.E. and STEM/FAME. The science teachert will create and implement STEM lessons for each grade level. ($8,500)
    4. STEM Coordinator will help coordinate STEM learning throughout the school, including facilitating the implementation of phenomenon-based and project-based learning experiences. ($1500)
    5. Robotics Coordinator will help implement volunteer based after school robotics club. ($1,500)
    6. Continue to strengthen and expand science by providing all students the opportunity to participate in a school sponsored STEM Day. ($2000)
    7. Mystery Science Software will be purchased to increase student engagement and learning and to help master essential learning targets. ($1,325)
    8. Teachers will be involved in professional development through colleague observations, school and district trainings, online PD, and workshops or conferences. ($00)
    9. A teacher will be paid to act as an EdTech Coach to support teachers with the implementation and use of technology. ($750)
    10. A mental health specialist will be hired to provide social and emotional learning support for students. ($2500)
    11. A license for Panorama , an all in one data platform, will be purchased. ($115)
    12. A behavioral consultant from USU will be hired to help train teachers/staff on student behavior management (335.00)
    13. Prior to the beginning of school the CLT will meet to refine the schoolwide vision, mission, goals, and commitments. Time will also be spent modifying the master schedule with a focus on interventions. ($700)

Goal 3 Expenditure Areas

    • Additional School Employees
    • Professional Learning
    • School Personnel Stipends
    • Teaching Resources
    • Technology
    • Social and Emotional Learning Support

Goal 3 Measures of Success

    • Every student will experience at least one PLTW module in the 2022-2023 school year and a STEM Coordinator will be designated and will organize a STEM day that all students will participate in.

Stakeholder Involvement

Who was involved in developing this plan?

  • Educators
  • Collaborative Leadership Team
  • Administrators
  • Community Council Members
  • Parents
  • Support Professionals


Becky Dills