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Community Council Minutes

November 10, 2022

Community Council Meeting

November 10, 2022

DRAFT  ~ Pending approval at January 12, 2023, Community Council Meeting

APPROVED ~ January 12, 2023


  • Members Present

    • Parents - Alicia Willoughby, Monica Cameron, Sarah Heilig, Marinda Fowler, Lindsey Campbell, Kathryn Buxton
    • School Members - Becky Dills, Kelani Maughan, Kim Vorwaller
  • Members Absent

    • Parents - Lacey Boggess
    • School Members
  • Guests

    • Parents- 
    • School Members- Brent Ludlow, Shawna Blamires 
  • Meeting held in the lower maker space at OSE from 4:20-5:10 PM on Thursday, November 10, 2022. Notes were taken by Marinda Fowler.


  • Meeting was started late because of an IEP running long. There was a discussion about the prior month’s meeting notes, which was tabled until Mrs. Dills could join the discussion.


  • Math Data presented by Shawna Blamires, Instructional Coach

    • Orchard Springs Whole School Math Data Wall presentation
    • Similar to Acadience Reading data presented last month, but this data focuses on math scores. Benchmark likelihoods are the same--green is good, but blue is where we want the kids to be. 
      • Pathways of Progress goal: 70% of kids will achieve typical or greater progress. Last year we had 59% of students gain typical or above typical progress. This shows growth (not benchmark skills).  Maintaining above typical growth shows a greater likelihood of reaching benchmarks throughout their educational careers.
        • This test is an indicator of risk. 
        • This is now a school goal with an action plan. 
      • Correlation Data between RISE Math and Acadience Math. 
        • 80% of the scores aligned--telling us that Acadience gives us a pretty good idea of where the students align with RISE and progress monitoring.
      • Mrs. Blamires went into more depth on the sixth grade and kindergarten data. 
  • Return to discussion about amending October’s meeting notes to change verbiage for clarification. 

    • Discussion of the process of taking notes, approving notes and what needs to be included in the notes. 
    • Alicia Willoughby requested printed out data from the presentations for council members to review.
    • Motion to amend October notes and approve for posting: Alicia Willoughby, seconded by Kelani Maughan.
  • TSSA (Teacher Student Success Act): Trust LAND doesn’t cover all the needs for intervention needs, so TSSA money fills in the gaps for additional aides, STEM day, and science goals. 

    • We don’t vote on how that money is spent, but Mrs. Dills would like us to have a picture of where the money is coming and going and get the council’s input on the TSSA monies. Allocated based on the number of students enrolled at the school.  
    • TSSA plan aligns closely with the Trust Land Funds.

Next Meeting

  • January 12, 2023 at 4:00 PM at Orchard Springs Elementary
  • Mrs. Dills will email out information in lieu of needing an additional December meeting.
  • Watch for virtual training email from the state.

Meeting Dismissed

  • Motion for dismissal by Mrs. Dills
  • Seconded by Alicia Willoughby
  • All approved.
  • Adjourn.