School Members - Becky Dills, Kelani Maughan, Kim Vorwaller
Members Absent
Parents - Lacey Boggess
School Members
School Members- Brent Ludlow, Shawna Blamires
Meeting held in the lower maker space at OSE from 4:20-5:10 PM on Thursday, November 10, 2022. Notes were taken by Marinda Fowler.
Meeting was started late because of an IEP running long. There was a discussion about the prior month’s meeting notes, which was tabled until Mrs. Dills could join the discussion.
Math Data presented by Shawna Blamires, Instructional Coach
Orchard Springs Whole School Math Data Wall presentation
Similar to Acadience Reading data presented last month, but this data focuses on math scores. Benchmark likelihoods are the same--green is good, but blue is where we want the kids to be.
Pathways of Progress goal: 70% of kids will achieve typical or greater progress. Last year we had 59% of students gain typical or above typical progress. This shows growth (not benchmark skills). Maintaining above typical growth shows a greater likelihood of reaching benchmarks throughout their educational careers.
This test is an indicator of risk.
This is now a school goal with an action plan.
Correlation Data between RISE Math and Acadience Math.
80% of the scores aligned--telling us that Acadience gives us a pretty good idea of where the students align with RISE and progress monitoring.
Mrs. Blamires went into more depth on the sixth grade and kindergarten data.
Return to discussion about amending October’s meeting notes to change verbiage for clarification.
Discussion of the process of taking notes, approving notes and what needs to be included in the notes.
Alicia Willoughby requested printed out data from the presentations for council members to review.
Motion to amend October notes and approve for posting: Alicia Willoughby, seconded by Kelani Maughan.
TSSA (Teacher Student Success Act): Trust LAND doesn’t cover all the needs for intervention needs, so TSSA money fills in the gaps for additional aides, STEM day, and science goals.
We don’t vote on how that money is spent, but Mrs. Dills would like us to have a picture of where the money is coming and going and get the council’s input on the TSSA monies. Allocated based on the number of students enrolled at the school.
TSSA plan aligns closely with the Trust Land Funds.
Next Meeting
January 12, 2023 at 4:00 PM at Orchard Springs Elementary
Mrs. Dills will email out information in lieu of needing an additional December meeting.