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Community Council Minutes

Community Council Meeting

January 11, 2022


  • Attendees
    • Members Present - 
      • Parents – Alicia Willoughby, Kristin Hall, Jenny Smith
      • School  Members – Mary Jo Williams, Kelani Maughan, Deana Davis
    • Members Absent - 
      • Parents
        • Marinda Fowler, Monica Cameron
      • School Members
    • Guests
      • Parents- none
      • School Members- Brent Ludlow, Nick Harris (Director of Technology, WSD Digital Teaching and Learning), Alan Rhees (WSD Education Technology Coach), Monica Widdison (WSD Education Technology Coach)
  • Welcome
    • Kristin Hall welcomed members and opened the meeting.
  • Review of Prior Meeting's Minutes
    • Motion to approve last month’s meeting notes by Alicia Willoughby, seconded by Jenny Smith. All Approved.
  • WSD Digital Teaching and Learning Presentation
    • The WSD Director of Technology, Nick Harris, gave a presentation of the ways the district improves digital literacy and provides internet safety. He’s the director of a newly formed department called Digital Teaching and Learning (DT&L)
      • Web filtering with iBoss to protect students from venturing into unsafe territory on the internet. It acts like a second layer to the firewall.
        • iBoss stops both inbound and outbound traffic.
          • Filtering is based on school age groups. Secondary school filtering is different from elementary school.
          • Filtering applies to the student's account, not only the devices. Therefore, it protects students at home when they log in using their student account.
        • All devices are managed remotely in a central location.
          • Airwatch/JAMF is used to manage ipads.
          • Netsupport is used for Desktop Lab management.
          • Google Management is for Chromebooks.
        • As part of the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) WSD uses Bark to monitor all G-Suite accounts for problematic actions.
          • Certain sites are allowed and others are blocked. Social media is mostly blocked in all groups, but some have exceptions.  YouTube videos have an approval process in place in order to allow educationally appropriate and applicable videos shown.
        • One DT&L goal is to grow digital literacy, not just digital knowledge.
          • They hope to promote using technology to create rather than just consume.
            • Students receive 2.5 – 3.5 hours of dedicated training based on the Common Sense Media literacy curriculum. It’s delivered through Nearpod lessons based on grade level.
            • A good resource for parents is Interland, also known as Google’s “Be Internet Awesome”. It’s geared toward teaching 7-12 year olds about being responsible online. Students can use it independently at home.
    • If there are questions about digital learning or literacy, contact Nick Harris.
  • School Safety
    • A video was shared in the SCC December Newsletter which was emailed on 12/17/2021. Members should watch the video. If you don’t have the link, Mrs. Williams can provide it.
  • 2021-2022 Trustland Plan
    • No new data or budget expenditures were shared. Aides salaries continue to increase.
  • 2022-2023
    • The plan needs to be created during the next meeting.
      • Discussion about potential programs to fund.
        • Past councils have used the bulk of funds to cover the cost of Chromebooks.
        • Other programs could be funded, but writing a goal to measure less academic outcome can be tricky.  For example, council funds could go toward a  Arts, Drama, or Music teacher, but it has to be tied to a measurable academic outcome.
        • In the past there has been one goal for math and one for reading.
          • The wording of the goals needs work and should focus on growth rather than overall proficiency.
  • Action Items
    • Begin Formulating the plan for 2022-2023. Needs to be submitted by March. Council Members can look at other schools’ plans.
  • Meeting Dismissed

    • 5:05 pm - Alicia Willoughby motioned to adjourn, seconded by Kristen Hall. All approved.

Next Meeting

  •  February 8, 2022 at 4:00 PM at Orchard Springs Elementary