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Community Council Minutes

January 22, 2024

Community Council Meeting Minutes

January 22, 2024

Approved at February 26, 2024, Community Council Meeting


  • Members Present

    • Parents - Alicia Willoughby, Marinda Fowler, Michelle Hales, Julie Trickett, Kathryn Buxton
    • School Members - Karen Miller, Dawn Jennings
  • Members Absent

    • Parents - 
    • School Members - Shawna Blamires
  • Guests

    • Parents- Laurel Mock
    • School- Brent Ludlow
    • District -
  • Meeting held in the council room at OSE from 4:00 - 5:20 PM on Monday, January 22, 2024.

    • Notes were taken by Marinda Fowler. 



  • Approve last month’s minutes

    • Motion to Approve by Alicia Willoughby, seconded by Michelle Hales. Voting Unanimous.
    • Dawn Jennings will finish Mrs. Vorwaller’s two-year term. 
  • Review EOY 2022-2023 and BOY 2023-2024 Reading and Math Assessment Data 

    • EOY 2022-23 Percentage of students at typical, above, or above average growth:
      • English Language Arts 63.80%
      • Math 65.24%
      • Mrs. Dills was invited to report on how we were able to achieve this at the most recent administrator’s meeting.
      • Our goal was 70% for ELA, so we didn’t quite reach our goal from last year’s plan, but the growth was still exemplary within the district. Math goal was 65%, which we were able to reach.
      • This year’s English Language Arts goal is for 65% growth, which still stretches and seeks to do better than last year.
    • BOY and (some) MOY 2023-24 Data- Review graphs and breakdowns of benchmarks
      • Seeing good growth across all the test components. Red groups are getting smaller, yellow and green groups are growing. Seeing a lot more blue. Our school results are right in line with the district results.
      • Diagnostic software (Lexia, Waterford, etc) is helping to fill holes and make sure that we aren’t losing kids based on how well they do at taking the Acadience tests. This test is simply meant as a screener, additional diagnostics are always needed.
      • Composite Scores Data will be sent out to council members. Please review before our next meeting so we can keep this in mind as we develop a plan for next year.
      • Much of our success is due to having an Instructional Coach instead of a Reading Specialist since the opening of our school (Thanks Ms. Williams!). Teachers and students get support across grades and curriculums through Walk to Intervention and PLC meetings.
  • Review 2023-2024 Trust LANDS Plan implementation

    • Plan was budgeted for $64,357
    • Carryover was $8,172
    • Total to Spend: $74,192
    • Notes: STEM teacher given an extra .5 hour of  prep time per week. We have extra money in the Chromebook budget (computers are more durable and not needing the repairs we anticipated). We have budgeted for 11 hours of aide time but only using 10.5 hours (due to utilization of budget calculators and giving extra room in order to keep us within budget).
    • What does our plan say we can do with the additional money?
      • Mrs. Miller presented her proposal on how to use the extra money (all components align with our current plan so no need to vote):
        • Early Literacy Software (Lexia and Waterford) : $1,608
        • ALEKS (6th Grade Math Software): $972
        • ESGI-Kindergarten: $468
        • Newline Panel Screen: $4,398
        • TOTAL: $7,446
      • Possibility of bringing IXL over to our budget instead of using TSSA funds for that.
      • Budget can be spent through the end of June. We should have a little bit of carryover (preferably we’re at less than $5,000 to carryover).  The goal is to spend this year’s money on this year’s kids.
  • Discuss needs and goals for next year’s plan. 

    • Would love to have a part-time science teacher or an art teacher to supplement our STEM program.  Hoping to ask for a sponsor to utilize the Beverly Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program.  
    • We don’t want to dilute what we’re already doing, but we would like to add more opportunities for our kids. 

Additional Items for Discussion

    • None
  • Meeting Adjourned

    • Motion to adjourn by Marinda Fowler, seconded by Alicia Willoughby. 
      • All approved.
  • Next Meeting

    • February 22, 2024, 4:00 PM at Orchard Springs Elementary
      • Draft next year's plan