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Community Council Minutes

February 23, 2023

Community Council Meeting

February 23, 2023

Approved at March 09, 2023, Community Council Meeting


  • Members Present

    • Parents - Alicia Willoughby, Monica Cameron, Sarah Heilig, Marinda Fowler, Lindsey Campbell, Kathryn Buxton
    • School Members - Becky Dills, Kelani Maughan, Kim Vorwaller
  • Members Absent

    • Parents - Lacey Boggess
    • School Members -
  • Guests

    • Parents- Laurel Mock (PTO President)
    • School Members - Brent Ludlow
  • Meeting held in the conference room at OSE from 4:00 - 5:05 PM on Thursday, February 23, 2023. Notes were taken by Marinda Fowler.



  • Lindsey Campbell motioned to accept January minutes. Monica Cameron seconded.

  • Review 2021-2022 Final Report

    • Already due and submitted by Mrs. Dills
    • Our plan has been posted under “Funding Summary and Reports” on the OSE website
    • Spent less on salaries and hardware than we anticipated
    • Extra funds were used to purchase a New Panel smartboard for Mr. Ludlow’s classroom.
    • Goal #1 (Reading): 65% of students would show typical or above typical progress.
      • We came in at 63% but we did show a 2% increase from MOY to EOY.
      • We may want to adjust our percentages for next year’s plan because of the impact of Covid shutdowns on foundational skills (reading, math) for the younger grades, especially the kids just starting school. Covid hasn’t affected upper grades the same way it is hurting younger grades.
      • Followed action steps.
    • Goal #2 (Math): We increased students meeting ELT but still only reached 55%
      • Math progress has always been difficult to track, but this year we have Pathways of Progress to track growth so going forward we can set better goals.
  • Review MOY reading progress (see handout with DIBELS assessment scores)

    • First Grade—losing ground in MOY is typical because the test changes at MOY. BOY test is largely based on the skills learned in Kindergarten. MOY begins to test harder reading skills.  
    • Once students reach well above benchmark in their composite score (blue), they rarely dip back into below or well below benchmark.
    • Pathways of Progress for Math data is available and we can review it next month
      • Are the interventions actually producing growth?
      • Working hard to get to the Walk to Intervention level.
      • Typically need three years to see if a program is having the impact we want
      • Attendance makes the difference—programs don’t matter if students aren’t here.
  • Review Budget for 2022-2023 (Current School Year)

    • So far, we have spent less than we projected we should have spent when coming to aide salaries. The reason for this decrease is due to the fact that we have not spent allocated money for our Computer Aide because it took so long to hire for that position.
    • We will have some carryover but we can’t save more than 10% going into the next year.
    • Aides had a salary increase this year so we spent more per aide. Corrections are coming and we are able to adjust  budgets to compensate for aide salaries.
    • Bills (encumbrances) come in later so the budget might not accurately reflect what has been spent.
  • Draft 2023-2024 Plan

    • Started with last year’s plan and revise to fit current needs and going forward.
      • We are getting an estimated $66,020.11, which is more than last year’s budget.
    • Goal #1: Reading
      • Drop reading goal from 70% down to 65% (based on Pathways of Progress and not benchmark)
      • Added “such as” verbiage to help when assessments might change (example: LETRS Survey may change to PSI)
      • Amount for aides increased because of salary increases. Aides come from TSSA money as well. Trust LANDS only covers part of the aide budget.
      • Amount for technology probably needs to increase.
    • Goal #2: Math
      • We can pull math data and adjust the goal during our March meeting.

Next Meeting

  • March 9, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.
  • Agenda
    • Finish drafting 2023-2024 plan and look at math data.
    • Vote on the plan as it is due mid-March.

Meeting Dismissed

  • Motion for dismissal by Alicia Willoughby
  • Seconded by Kelani Maughan
  • All approved.
  • Adjourn.