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Community Council Minutes

March 08, 2022

Community Council Meeting

March 8, 2022



  • Kristen Hall welcomed members and opened the meeting.
  • Attendees
    • Members Present - 
      • Parents – Alicia Willoughby, Marinda Fowler, Kristin Hall, Jenny Smith

      • School  Members – Mary Jo Williams, Kelani Maughan, Deana Davis

    • Members Absent - 
      • Parents

        •  Monica Cameron

      • School Members

    • Guests
      • Parents- none

      • School Members- Brent Ludlow

  • Review of Prior Meeting's Minutes
    • Motion to approve last month’s meeting notes by Deana Davis, seconded by Kelani Maughan. All Approved.

Community Council Membership 2022-2023

  • New election takes place in April, wrapped up by May.
  • Normally a term is two years. Certain positions (school staff members) are elected every other year.
    • Third year current members: Kristin Hall, Deana Davis

    • Second Year Members: Marinda Fowler

    • First Year Members: Kelani Maughan, Alicia Willoughby, Monica Cameron, Jenny Smith

    • Returning Next Year:  Alicia Willoughby, Jenny Smith, Monica Cameron, Kelani Maughan

  • Need: Principal, two school employees, 4-7 elected or appointed community members
    • Next year there will be 2-4 open parent positions, plus an upper grade representative

    • Meeting schedule is determined every year so that shouldn’t deter people from showing interest

  • Ms. Williams will figure out dates and send out election schedule. 

2021-2021 Trustland Plan

  • Review Plan
  • Budget Expenditures
    • No updates. The only change is the amount spent on aides. 

    • District has updated their financial programs and schools aren’t able to access reports at the moment. 

2022-2023 Trustland Plan

  • READING Goal: Moving forward with what we decided at the last meeting.
    • Implementing cross-age tutoring (sixth and second graders): sixth graders go through a list of words and then phrases with the second graders. They start with same list, read three times. Second graders are passing off lists at different rates. Have to get 100% on the list to pass it off. Students are either using decodable readers or leveled reading books. Cross age tutoring takes 25 minutes for sixth grade, 20 min for second, done twice a week on MW. 

    • Mindset: All our kids are all our kids. Time spent by sixth grade teachers to tutor younger grades pays off in the long run, even with sixth grade losing instruction time. Most effective cross-age tutoring would be four times a week. This is another layer of reading practice for second graders. 

      • Sixth Grade teachers Ms. Davis and Mr. Ludlow report sixth graders have started tracking. Sixth graders are also building confidence and social skills. 

  • MATH Goal: 
    • Acadience Math Assessments -  Depending on the grade, the alignment with the essential learning targets varies greatly though it does contain questions from the breadth of the core.

      • K-3 is a required test. 4-6 is optional but our school has been giving it. 

      • We could base our goal off of Acadience math but know it will be more of a broad report and not as pinpointed as our reading data. 

    • Needs to be a discussion on whether we want progress or proficiency. 

    • This is one small piece of what we are doing; what do we want this to represent?

    • Kristin Hall asked, “What will make everyone feel accomplished?” from both a teacher and parent point of view.  We don’t want to create more work for teachers just because of how our goal is worded. 

    • Alicia Willoughby asked if teachers gave a grade level benchmark test at the  BOY, MOY, EOY but not all grades give the same this type of test. 

    • During this year grades are keeping data on an essential learning target, that can be followed across grades, to show proficiency. If we want to show progress, we could use the Acadience data since teachers will be giving it anyway. 

      • Will this require progress monitoring for Acadience data?

    • Since this is the first year that this test has been administered teachers will decide how best to use the data.

    • Some questions on scoring—may need more instruction and training for aides to ensure consistency with scoring. 

    • We like the idea of being consistent throughout the school. 

    • We know there will be flaws in the test as there are in the reading test, but this gives us the best option for tracking progress data throughout the school.

    • If we look at the growth line, we can see progress. This is a snapshot in a moment of time, but this is not the only thing we are using to guide instruction. 

  • New Goal: Based on Pathways to Progress Schoolwide Data (NEED TO DETERMINE PERCENTAGE) or more of our K-6 students will show typical, above, or well above typical progress on end of year Acadience Math Assessment. 
    • What percentage?
      • This being the first year, we have to use our best judgement. Next year we will have the data. Do we lowball this year? 

      • We will  use the data, even if we don’t make the goal, to move forward and improve.

      • 65% proposed by Marinda Fowler. Seconded by Kristin Hall and Jenny Smith. 

    • MEASUREMENTS TO DETERMINE PROGRESS TOWARD GOAL: Acadience assessments will be administered to students at the beginning of year, mid-year, and end of year to measure progress.
      • Do we have data from Mrs. Blamires regarding math data? 

  • Budget : 
    • We have not received an allocation for the 2022-2023 school year. Our enrollment is increasing so the allocation could increase. We are not sure about how much money will carry over from this year. 

    • We will leave the additional funds section broad, so we don’t have to amend our plan. 

    • Most of the allocation pays for Chromebooks, intervention aides, as well as PLC teachers. 

    • Smart panels are running $3,000 to replace. 6 per pod, two maker spaces, speech room, counselor, library. They also don’t have warranties. We’ve lost one but this is something to plan for in the future. We will be getting NewLine panels. Will Weber Online teachers using the smart panels be the ones replacing the panels?

    • Weber Online is looking to expand beyond our district. Online learning, that the pandemic forced, will be permanent. Last fall the district decided to create the online instruction in house. Home and Hospital is still an option but it is changing because of the technology now available. 

    • We can only carry over 10% a year so we couldn’t build up a savings to pay for panels but we could budget to be able to buy one or two panels a year and that will help. 

  • Formal vote on the 2022-2023 Plan: 
    • Motion to approve by Alicia Willoughby and seconded by Jenny Smith. 

    • Seven voted yes; one member is absent. An email will be sent to Monica Cameron to see if she also approves. If yes, it will be a unanimous vote. 

    • The plan will go through a review process by the district and if any adjustments are needed, they will send it back to us. If they send it to the state then we may need to watch for an email to approve it.

Action Items

  • Information on elections will be sent out by Mrs. Wiliams. 

Next Meeting

  • April determined to be unnecessary.  SCC meetings will resume in the fall.  

Meeting Dismissed

  • 5:00 pm -    Marinda Fowler motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alicia Willoughby. All approved.