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Community Council Minutes

February 08, 2022

Community Council Meeting

February 8, 2022


  • Attendees

    • Members Present - 
      • Parents – Alicia Willoughby, Marinda Fowler, Monica Cameron, Kristin Hall, Jenny Smith
      • School  Members – Mary Jo Williams, Kelani Maughan, Deana Davis
    • Members Absent - 
      • Parents
      • School Members
    • Guests
      • Parents- none
      • School Members- Brent Ludlow
  • Welcome

    • Alicia Willoughby welcomed members and opened the meeting.
  • Review of Prior Meeting's Minutes

    • Motion to approve last month’s meeting notes by Monica Cameron, seconded by Marinda Fowler. All Approved.
  • Council Updates

    • January Newsletter—things to look through and utilize

    • Link to the USBE Data Gateway

    • Compare Schools (population, compared to like schools), trainings available, reports

    • Data may not be as accurate as in past years due to pandemic happenings

    • Acronym references were specific to Canyons School District, not everything will match ours

  • 2021-2022 Trustland Plan

    • Review Plan
    • Budget Expenditures
      • Amount spent on aid salaries ($13,858.52) and social security costs associated with those salaries ($1,060.13).
      • Chromebook lease costs $15, 103.00
        • We’d budgeted $15,000 so we were really close on that. 
      • Current balance (as of end of January) is $29,198.93.
    • Data updates for Phonological Awareness and Phonics and Word Reading Skills
      • 1st grade has hit the EOY Kindergarten benchmarks. Making huge improvements filling in holes!
      • 3rd grade still coming along on those EOY Kindergarten skills but a lot of growth on EOY 2nd Grade Skills. 
      • Request for Mrs. Blamires to share the slideshow (no specific children named so information can be shared)
      • Expect to see more growth by the EOY.
      • Tier interventions—goal is to have teachers doing Tier 2 intervention and less needed Tier 3 intervention. We’re needing more Tier 3 interventions in 4-6th grade to fill holes for the upper grades missing skills from earlier grades. 
      • WIN time—What I Need time. Helps students to know that this time is dedicated to student needs regardless of age or grade level. 
      • Continuing to work out a process to develop a systematic Tier 3 intervention.
      • High readers may still have holes that need to be filled in. They can memorize and recognize words but not be able to decode them. Teaching them how and why they know what they know will be helpful in the long run.
    • PAST and LETRS Benchmark Mastery
    • Red—BOY assessment, Blue are intervention groups, MOY-means they passed off the skill in the MOY assessments, * indicates what they are working on (usually in Tier 2 interventions)
    • Shows where holes are being filled
  • Acadience MOY Reading Data

    • Overall Acadience Composite scores not showing exactly where we need to be 
    • Breaking down the data differently gives us a better idea. MOY testing across the board (and country) shows drops in lower grades because of changes in the test.
      • Grade Level Tests weigh different things (3rd focuses on Accuracy, 6th on Retell and Vocabulary)
  • 2022-2023 Trustland Plan

    • Reviewed last year’s plan
      • Measured on progress not achievement
      • Wanting to adjust wording on mathematics goal
      • Greatest needs Ms. Williams is seeing is for intervention
      • Very pleased with the STEM teacher this year
      • Being able to pay for Chromebooks through Trust LANDS is hugely beneficial to the school.
        • Especially useful for early finishers and to support what is already being learned. 3rd graders spend 30ish minutes of the school day on their Chromebook, 6th graders probably spent 25-30% of their day using the computers. 
        • Computers are used when that is the tool needed to do the job. Not to play games but used to learn. All activities based on curriculum. 
    • Need to have the plan completed and written by our next meeting. 
    • Overall plan- utilize same outline as last year
      • Reading: Look at where we ended last year to see if we need to change quantification of the goals to make it more realistic. 
        • Discussed retaining the 65% baseline (2021 data showed us ending at 71% overall as a school, 65% is the state-suggested baseline)?
        • Decided to Increase to 70% to show growth through the school from year to year.
        • No repercussions if we don’t hit the goal. 
      • Math Goal: Is there a better way to word our goal, knowing that there will always be a few students who don’t acquire the Essential Learning Target?
        • Proficiency vs. Growth. Change to more of a progress goal rather than a proficiency goal? 
        • Focus on progress. 
        • Do we need an “or” operator? 
          • Students will achieve 80% proficiency in the grade-level essential learning target or they will show 50% growth. 
        • Teachers probably should discuss what a good benchmark for growth expectation. 
        • Acadience does have a Pathways to Progress component. Check into that to see if there is a component that could show progress like the reading does. 
      • Ms. Williams asked if we can allocate more money to add reading intervention aids for Tier 3 intervention for students in higher grades? Approved unanimously.

Action Items

  • Finalize development of 2022-2023 plan. 
  • Community Council openings for next year.

Meeting Dismissed

  • 5:15 pm -    Alicia Willoughby  motioned to adjourn, seconded by Jenny Smith. All approved.

Next Meeting

  • March 8, 2022 at 4:00 PM at Orchard Springs Elementary