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Community Council Minutes

Community Council Meeting

December 14, 2021


  • Attendees
    • Members Present - 
      • Parents – Alicia Willoughby, Marinda Fowler, Kristin Hall, Monica Cameron
      • School  Members – Mary Jo Williams, Kelani Maughan, Deana Davis
    • Members Absent - 
      • Parents
        • Jenny Smith
      • School Members
    • Guests
      • Parents- none
      • School Members- Shawna Blamires
  • Welcome
    • Kristin Hall welcomed members and opened the meeting.
  • Review of Prior Meeting's Minutes
    • Motion to approve last month’s meeting notes by Alicia Willoughby,seconded by Kristen Hall.
  • 2021-2022 Trustland Plan
    • Review Budget Allocations
      • Carried over $195.61 from last year.
      • Chromebook Expenditure = $15,103.00
      • Aides Salaries to this date =  $11.382.39
      • We were able to hire another Reading RTI aide to replace the one that quit.
  • Data Review with Shawna Blamires—ELA Learning Gaps 2021-2022
    • Information being implemented from the LTRS course. Already making our teachers better reading instructors.
    • Whole language learning only works for 40% of learners. Now we can close the gap for those that don’t learn just from natural literature exposure.
    • Accuracy is going up! Far fewer mistakes or children can fix their own mistakes ( input from Mrs. Maughan)
    • Redefining sight words as words kids can read on sight because they can decode words quickly. Every child will have a different set of sight words because each child learns differently.
    • Looking at the data (Color-coded graphs according to pod colors)
    • Phonological Awareness is playing with sounds (the ability to work with sounds in spoken language; sets stage for decoding and blending). Being used in Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions. (Whole group and individual/small group).
      • Example: using Heggerty videos or the one-minute lists in later grades
      • Hoping to fill gaps. Some 1st-3rd graders not able to meet end of kindergarten benchmarks
      • Possibility of false negatives because the test and tasks were new to the kids
      • Ms. Blamires is able to discuss individual children's data with parents if requested.
      • Second graders doing better with 2nd grade Phonological Awareness benchmarks than the 3rd graders are (though both grades are low)
      • Partly on us, partly due to socio-economic factors (ex. Students hearing a different language at home), partly because of Covid-19 gaps
      • Older kids have been taught one way, so they must unlearn and relearn.
      • Ms. Blamires took us through a few sample tasks to show how this can be difficult.
      • K-3 assessed everybody. In 4th and 5th  grades we only tested those who are at or below benchmark.
    • Phonics and Word Reading (actual relationship between letters and sounds—decoding is sounding out words using phonics)
      • Our brains are naturally wired for speech but not reading. Brains haven’t had time to evolve and make it natural.
      • Phonics includes naming letters, identifying blends, etc. Phonics part of the data looks better than the phonological awareness.
      • In a few of these graphs, second grade once again scored higher than third grade.
      • One example of a gap we’ve identified: Y is most often a vowel sound but students identify it mostly as a consonant
      • Some kids can do well with this in isolation but not in text
      • Mrs. Maag is was just selected to be a district LETRs trainer.
      • How do parents help train children do this at home?
        • “What was your Reading Horizons lesson on?”
        • Look for examples of those words in text and focus on those.
        • Read 20 minutes daily!
      • Data for ELA Benchmarks mastery (PAST & LETRS)
      • Teachers are glad to share any of this!
    • Additional Discussion Items
      • Possibility of offering some training on this for parents?
      • When? Literacy night?
      • Suggestion of monthly information for parents from teachers for grade-level specifics
      • Parents need to know a new vocabulary/terminology list for current learning techniques
    • Focus on foundation and understanding the process allows for natural absorption of algorithms
    • Send out kid-friendly standards (put the educator’s lingo in layman’s terms for parents)
    • How can we do this without putting extra work on the teachers and staff?
      • Some of this information is available if you know where to look for it!
      • How can we better communicate to parents what is going on within the classroom?
      • Parents need to utilize the time at the beginning of year to have individual conferences (Open House vs. Presentation Style? Are both needed? Would a link work better?)
        • Parents don’t know what questions to ask yet
        • Need better communication—encourage parents to ask their questions
  • Action Items
    • Begin Formulating the plan for 2022-2023. Needs to be submitted by March.
  • Meeting Dismissed: 
    • 5:05 pm -    Alicia Willoughby  motioned to adjourn, seconded by Monica Cameron.

Next Meeting

  •  January 11, 2022 at 4:00 PM at Orchard Springs Elementary