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Community Council Minutes

Community Council Meeting

November 9, 2021


  • Attendees
    • Members Present - 
      • Parents – Alicia Willoughby, Jenny Smith, Marinda Fowler, Kristin Hall, Monica Cameron
      • School  Members – Mary Jo Williams, Kelani Maughan
    • Members Absent - 
      • Parents
        • none
      • School Members
        • Deana Davis
    • Guests
      • Parents- none
      • School Members- none
  • Welcome
    • Kristin Hall welcomed members and opened the meeting.
  • Review of Prior Meeting's Minutes
    • Alicia Willoughby motioned to approve prior minutes and Monica Cameron seconded.
  • 2021-2022 Trustland Plan
    • Review reading goal and action steps
      • Most money is going to paraprofessionals doing intervention. We had one aide quit last week so we are in the process of finding a new one. 
      • Imagine Learning is provided through a grant we apply for each year, so that is not coming out of the budget.
    • Review mathematics goal and action steps
      • Most grades are doing cross-class interventions once or twice a week.
    • Review Budget Allocations
      • Still haven’t seen if we have carried over any monies from last year. This usually takes until October to finish up the fiscal year, so we’ll be seeing that data soon.
      • We have some wiggle room in our planned budget.
      • The money that has come out of the budget is for aide salaries.
      • Aide cost projections are roughly $3200 per year per hour worked.
      • Monica Cameron raised a question about LETRS training coming out of the budget (Action Step #5).
        • That funding is being provided by the legislature this year, but if we continue that next year we will need to pay for it.
        • Legislature also pays for subs for teachers while they attend training. 
    • TSSA Plan is similar except that it also includes a science component.
    • We have to be cautious because wherever we focus, that’s where we will see results.
      • For example, if we focus on reading too much, then our math scores may drop.
      • We are also utilizing this to help focus on the kids that are performing at a higher level so they don’t remain stagnant.
      • A lot of our focus has been determined by the effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic. We are finding that more and more students are contracting Covid-19 and percentages there are increasing, meaning that students are in and out of classrooms, making it hard to move forward.
      • We want kids to have a positive experience here at school, so we have to balance that with achieving benchmarks.
    • Trust LANDS focuses on our greatest academic need. The plan can change if we determine those needs change.
    • Mrs. Williams opened discussion for questions.
      • Question: Does involvement in the “fun” activities like music and art help increase how the kids are doing academically?
        • Some of those benefits aren’t always measurable.
        • For example, kids who may be struggling at math might find that they have a strength in art or science and that will give them confidence and incentive to work hard.
          • Perhaps considering an art teacher or music for next year?
            • May help us to extend PLC time to two full hours, which would require another teacher.
            • We want kids to be well-rounded, but we start at the basics.
            • Some of the augmented activities (FAME or choir) are paid for through fundraisers.
      • Question: Did covid affect younger grades more than older grades?
        • Most likely, we will see these effects and ramifications from Covid for all age groups as time goes on.
      • Question: How are the Chromebooks doing? Are students being responsible with them?
        • We’ve had a few broken screens ($50 cost) . We’ve only had minimal repairs needed.
        • Parents have the option to purchase insurance for $25. We’re hoping we get more parents aware of Repair Assistance. Parents will be responsible for damages that are the students’ fault.
        • There has been a fund to help with repairs, but that fund is almost gone.
        • The 1:1 ratio has been “the best thing” according to Mrs. Maughan. Teachers are able to utilize computer learning in their classrooms better.
        • Chromebooks are a tool to accentuate learning.
        • It allows teachers to have more freedom when scheduling their day.
        • Our district is very strict. The MOA only allows programs that don’t sell student data.
  • Action Items
    • Begin Formulating the plan for 2022-2023. 
    • Look at Acadience drill-down data for target areas. 
      • Younger grades looking at holes in learning and finding patterns, really getting down into the nitty gritty of skills. 
      • We are seeing progress. We’ve never been able to screen this in depth. 
      • Mrs. Maughan explained what they are seeing in third grade.
      • Ms. Williams gave an example of fourth grade having to teach phonics skills—filling in the “learning to read” holes when they are used to teaching “reading to learn.” 
    • See if Ms. Blamires can share more data at our next meeting.
  • Meeting Dismissed: 
    • 4:40 pm -    Kristen Hall motioned to adjourn, seconded by Jenny Smith.

Next Meeting

  • December 14, 2021 4:00 to 5:00 PM at Orchard Springs Elementary